
Gren has several usages that you can have combining all options.



Show the general help of the gren tool

gren --help
gren -h


Show the using version

gren --version
gren -v

Get help for the release options

gren help release


Manual repo infos

Run gren outside of the project folder.

gren release --username=REPO_USER --repo=REPO_NAME

Override an existing release

By default, gren won’t override an existing release and it will flag Skipping 4.0.0 (use --override to replace it). If you want to override, as it suggests, use:

gren release --override

Create release notes for a specific tag

Create release notes from the commits or issues closed for the specified tag and the one before.

gren release --tags=4.0.0

Create release notes from the commits or the issues between two specified tags.

gren release --tags=4.0.0..3.0.0

Create release notes for all the tags

Create release notes for all the tags in the repository.

gren release --tags=all

Ignore the tags including an Array of strings

gren release --tags=all --ignore-tags-with="-rc","-alpha","-beta"

Work with milestones

Create release notes for a tag using the belonging to a milestone that matches the name of the tag. e.g. If the tag is 4.0.0, gren is going to match the milestone “Release 4.0.0”.

gren release --data-source=milestones --milestone-match="Release {{tag_name}}"

Otherwise, you can just filter the issues that belong to a milestone

gren release --only-milestones

Use commit messages

Generate release notes based on commit messages

gren release --data-source=commits


Custom changelog

Create a changelog with a custom filename

gren changelog --generate --override --changelog-filename=RELEASE_NOTES.md